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Is It Worth Starting an Eco-Friendly Business?

Is It Worth Starting an Eco-Friendly Business?

If you’re thinking of starting a small business, you may be wondering if adopting sustainable practices can benefit your company. The answer, in a word, is yes. Your commitment to going green can deliver benefits both to your organization and the planet.

Research shows that most people are thinking about sustainability. According to a survey, 91% of respondents believe the planet’s future depends on how people treat it now. Consumers also want to learn about your company’s sustainability efforts — 81% of respondents expect companies to communicate environmental awareness in their advertising.

Marketing Your Eco-Friendly Efforts

Your marketing language should tell consumers about the benefits of moving to sustainable practices. See how My Media Helper can help your marketing efforts. To start, consider using words and phrases in your advertising that describe eco-friendliness, such as:

These types of phrases can help bring your message to the forefront. To increase effectiveness, consider using them in conjunction with Google AdWords as part of your marketing strategy. Google AdWords can get your ads to appear on Google’s search engine results page through particular, defined keywords.

You may benefit from hiring a Google AdWords expert for this advertising function. You can find agencies through online job platforms to compare costs and experience. Always read reviews before hiring someone. Google ads specialist salary will also vary based on experience.

Costs of Going Green

While there are upfront costs to making your company eco-friendly, they can pay off. Research indicates that companies with high environmental, social, and governance ratings, frequently referred to as ESG non-financial factors, perform better than the market over three to 10 years.

Learning how to go green takes time. At first, you may need to hire a consultant to study ways to make your business environmentally friendly. Once you learn about it, you’ll need to teach your staff members and, possibly, your vendors. The education and implementation can take away from production time and incur training and consulting fees.

You may already have opportunities within your existing business structure to build sustainable practices. It’s a plus if you do, but restructuring and redefining your processes also take away from profitable work time.

Other expenses can include:

Ideas for Reducing Your Environmental Impact

Not all of your efforts to go green have to be big. You can implement smaller ideas that are also impactful. Consider approaches such as:

You can even reward staff members who come up with eco-friendly ideas or who set positive examples such as diligently reusing boxes and printing on both sides of office paper.

The time and costs of starting a sustainable company may seem intimidating. However, the return on your investment is high. You can feel good about your efforts to commit to earth-friendly practices, knowing you are investing in the planet’s future. In addition, because consumers hold businesses responsible for sustainability, they may often find your green practices appealing. You have compelling reasons to go for it and build a company that keeps an eye on the future.

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